111 Istilah Musik - Part 1 - BLOG.FISELLA®

Senin, 05 April 2021

111 Istilah Musik - Part 1

111 Istilah Musik - Part 1 - Jelang Bagaskara - Blog Fisella111 Istilah Musik - Part 1 - Jelang Bagaskara - Blog Fisella

Saat belajar notasi balok, teman-teman tidak hanya berhenti ketika sudah bisa membaca notasi balok saja. Namun, teman-teman juga harus tahu hal lain yang ada di sebuah karya musik. Apa itu? tentu di dalam karya musik ada berbagai macam istilah musik yang dipakai untuk membantu menyampaikan maksud atau keinginan dari seorang komposer. Maka dari itu, di artikel ini saya akan membagikan istilah-istilah musik yang mungkin masih asing bagi beberapa teman-teman di sini. Untuk tahu apa saja istilahnya, yuk simak tabel berikut!

Direksi Performance

Makna (dlm bhs. Inggris)

Makna (dlm bhs. Indonesia)

Accelerando (or accel.)

Gradually accelerating or getting faster.

Secara bertahap semakin cepat.


A slow tempo marking between largo and andante.

Lambat; gemulai; santai. Lebih lambat dari andante, lebih cepat dari largo.


A rather fast tempo marking between allegro and moderato.

Mirip allegro, tapi tidak secepat allegro.


A fast tempo marking between allegretto and vivace.

Cepat, penuh keriangan.


A moderate tempo marking between largo and moderato This tempo typically has between 76 and 108 beats per minute.

Langkah santai, tempo mirip orang berjalan santai.


Singing or performing in a melodious and graceful style, full of expression.

Menunjukkan karakter mirip orang sedang bernyanyi.

Crescendo (or cresc.)

A directive to a performer to smoothly increase the volume of a particular phrase or passage.

Secara bertahap semakin keras.

Da capo (or D.C.)

A directive to the performer to go back to the beginning of the composition.

Dari awal.

Dal segno (or D.S.)

A mark in a composition which informs the performer to repeat a specific section of the composition marked by a dal segno sign.

Dari tanda segno.

Decrescendo (or decresc.)

A directive to a performer to smoothly decrease the volume of the specific passage.

Secara bertahap semakin lembut, lawan dari cresc.

Diminuendo (or dim.)

A directive to a performer to smoothly decrease the volume of the specific passage of a composition.

Semakin lembut, bukan lawan dari crescendo, melainkan sebagai tanda dinamik yang beridiri sendiri.


An indication of where a composition ends when there is a repeat of some section of the composition in such a way as to make locating the ending confusing.

Titik akhir.

f (: forte)

A directive in music to perform the indicated passage loudly.


ff (: fortissimo)

A directive to perform the indicated passage very loudly.

Lebih keras; keras sekali.


A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a smooth, graceful, connected style, as opposed to staccato.

Cara bermain secara bersambungan.





Meaning somewhat, half, or medium.


mf (: mezzo forte)

A dynamic mark meaning moderately loud. Not quite so loud as forte.

Setengah keras.

mp (: mezzo piano)

A dynamic mark meaning moderately soft. Not quite as soft as piano.

Setengah lembut.


A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition in moderate tempo; moderately, restrained.

Sedang, tidak cepat dan tidak lambat.

p (: piano)

A modern keyboard instrument that produces sounds by hammers striking strings.


pp (: pianissimo)

A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composito very softly, even softer than piano (p).

Lebih lembut; lembut sekali.

Poco rallentando (or rall.)

Getting slower little by little.

Bertambah lambat.


At; to; by; for; in; in the style of…

Pada; untuk; dalam gaya…

Al, alla

To the, in the manner.

Seperti; dengan cara.


Growing broader, louder and slower. Abbreviated by allarg.

Semakin lambat juga semakin keras menuju klimaks.


A moderate tempo marking slightly faster than andante and slower than moderato.

Langkah ringan, sedikit lebih cepat dari andante.


Term typically used to modify tempo markings in a composition. For example, the term allegro assai would mean "very fast”.


Con, col




A directive to musicians to perform the  indicated passage of a composition sweetly, softly, or with tender emotion.

Lemah lembut.

e, ed



Espressivo (or espress. or espr.)

A directive to a musician to perform the indicated passage of a composition with expression.


fp (: fortepiano)

A keyboard instrument, the predecessor of the piano, popular in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Suara keras yang segera disusul dengan lembut.


A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a happy, or merry manner.



A slow tempo marking between largo and andante, but slightly faster than adagio.

Mirip adagio, namun tidak selambat adagio.

Ad libitum, ad lib

At the discretion of the performer; At pleasure, changing the tempo of particular passage.

Sekehendak hati, bebas.


A directive to perform the indicated passage in an agitated, hurried, or restless manner.


Alla breve

A tempo marking indicating a quick duple meter with the ha note rather than the quarte note getting the beat (2/2 rather than 4/4).

Kecepatan ganda.





The Italian term for soundpost.

Kehidupan; perasaan.


A directive to a musician to perform a selected passage of a composition in an animated or spirited manner.

Penuh semangat.

Ben brio comodo

With enthusiasm, comfortable (that is at medium speed).

Dengan semangat, nyaman (yaitu pada kecepatan sedang).


With determination.

Ritmis; langkah teratur.


Delicate; soft.

Halus; sangat halus.


A directive to a musician to perform the marked passage of music with energy or in a vigorous and energetic manner.

Penuh energi.


Often seen as con forza, "with force"; a directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition forcefully, emphatically, or vigorously.

Tenaga; kekuatan.


A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition with a broad tempo.

Pelan sekali.


A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a light, swift, delicate manner.


Marcato, marc.

Marked, accented, emphatic, stressed.



See martial music.

Gagah perkasa.


A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a sad, mournful, melancholy manner.



A directive to a musician to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a heavy, ponderous fashion, with importance and weight, impressively.

Berat, mode berat, dengan penting dan berat, mengesankan.

Prima, primo




A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a resolved, bold, and resolute manner.


Ritmico rubato, tempo rubato

Taking part of the duration from one note/ rhythmic and giving it to another.

Kebebasan ritmis, tempo.

Baca juga: 5 Hal yang Harus Kalian Ketahui Sebelum Membaca dan Menulis Notasi Balok!

Itulah teman-teman beberapa istilah yang ada di dalam musik. Mungkin tidak semua pernah kalian temui saat membaca notasi balok. Namun, saya berharap dengan adanya artikel tentang istilah musik ini dapat membantu teman-teman semua dalam belajar musik. Syukur-syukur juga membantu tugas sekolah kalian, biar enggak pusing-pusing lagi cari artinya 😊. Bagi teman-teman yang ingin belajar musik, kami juga menyediakan jasa untuk teman-teman yang membutuhkan. Jika berminat info lebih lanjut bisa kalian kunjungi di website Fisella Music atau dengan klik link berikut! Selamat belajar!

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111 Istilah Musik - Part 1 - Jelang Bagaskara - Blog Fisella

References: The Oxford Dictionary of Music | OnMusic Dictionary | Wikipedia
Picture Source: Unsplash.com /Weston MacKinnon

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